So, you’re interested in the Better Networking Hubs membership but you want to know, do members have to attend every networking meeting. Here’s the attendance requirements at Better Networking Hubs.

Commitment to Regular Attendance

At Better Networking Hubs, we value the commitment of our members who actively participate in our networking meetings. To maintain the integrity and effectiveness of our groups, we require members to attend at least 85% of the meetings. Regular attendance is crucial as it fosters strong relationships and ensures continuity within the group.

Understanding Absences

We recognise that our members, many of whom are small business owners, may occasionally need to miss a meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. Of course, members will need to take time out for holidays too. While we expect regular attendance, we also understand the realities of running a business and accommodate the occasional absence. However, missing more than three consecutive meetings is generally unacceptable. Largely because it can disrupt the group dynamics and networking opportunities for others.

Communication in Extenuating Circumstances

We welcome members to discuss any extenuating circumstances with us directly. Open communication helps us support you better and maintain flexibility where possible. Therefore, ensuring that your membership experience remains positive even through challenging times.

Utilising the Better Networking Sub Hub

To assist members who may need to miss a meeting, we offer a unique Better Networking ‘Sub Hub’ system. Members are welcome to send a substitute to attend in their place. This could be a colleague within their business or someone external. The key is that the substitute must not compete with any existing members in the Hub, respecting our commitment to member exclusivity.

Choosing a Substitute

If you know in advance that you will be unable to attend a meeting, you can access the ‘Sub Hub’ page on our website. Here, you can review available volunteers who have agreed to substitute for others and select someone who fits your needs without causing a conflict of interest at your Hub.

Flexible Yet Responsible Participation

This flexible approach allows our members to maintain their attendance record and remain active within the community, even when they cannot be present themselves. By facilitating substitutes, we ensure that every member can continue to contribute to and benefit from the Hub’s collaborative environment, keeping the network strong and effective.

Implications of Irregular Attendance

Failure to maintain regular attendance may impact our decision to invite you to renew your membership when your annual renewal is due. Regular participation is key to deriving the full benefits of the network and ensuring all members contribute to and benefit from our vibrant community. In cases of severe lack of attendance, your membership could be terminated. Though, this is usually as a last resort.

We hope this answers your question about do members have to attend every networking meeting? You can find out more about joining as a member here or book to attend as a visitor. Meanwhile, contact us, should you have any additional questions that you can’t find the answers to.